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Religious Education

At Meath Green Infant School, our RE curriculum follows the Surrey Agreed Syllabus 2023 – 2028. Children will develop their knowledge of the core concepts and beliefs for Christian, Jewish and Muslim people, and appreciate that some people call themselves ‘non-religious’.

Within each year group, teachers will draw upon different religions and viewpoints to recognise and celebrate the diversity of the school community, especially those religious views represented in their own classes. Children will develop an interest in, and enthusiasm for, the study of religion and enhance their own theological, sociological, philosophical and moral development through carefully planned and sequenced lessons.

By engaging with thematic units in Key Stage 1, children will start to pull on their knowledge so that they can develop the ability to make reasoned, informed and creative responses to religious and moral issues. Children will recognise the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on the individual and on communities around the world.

We want children to be curious, ask questions and express their own views about what it means to be human: what’s important to themselves and to others. We want children to reflect on their own feelings and experiences to help them develop their own sense of belonging.