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Educating children is a privilege. With it comes a huge responsibility to provide the best all-round education possible.  Each child has a unique blend of talents and skills. It is our role to recognise, understand and develop these qualities during the time that your child is with us.

We believe that coming to school should be fun because happy children are more likely to learn and be successful. Our exciting, topic-based curriculum provides children with lots of opportunities to learn more about the world in which they live. Our teachers work hard to build on our children’s interests and to bring learning to life. We have a clear plan for every year group and this helps the children to make strong links in their learning and build their knowledge and skills over time.

We want our children to achieve the best academic outcomes possible but we also want them to make a positive contribution to our school community by following our Rainbow of Respect at all times.

We are fortunate to have an extremely dedicated staff team who share a passion for the early years. We are also fortunate to have some fabulous outdoor spaces, including an adventure playground and outdoor gym as well as a base for our Forest School. We make the most of all the opportunities this provides and often use the outdoor space to enhance the children's learning and to keep them active. 

We also hope to work closely with you as parents, sharing a sense of pride and enjoyment in your child’s achievements.

You can learn more about Meath Green Infants by browsing the website. However, the best way to find out what makes our school so special is to visit us. Do come along for a tour, meet the staff and talk to the children who learn here.